Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Southwest Airlines to Expand Wi-Fi Access on Planes

Being able to market that you have Wi-Fi on your airplanes definitely appeals to those who fly, especially those in the business world who may not want to pay for first class every time they fly. 

Southwest Airlines said Friday that it had finished testing Wi-Fi Internet access on four aircraft and planned to expand the service to all its planes beginning early next year. Southwest said it would continue testing prices for the service through the end of the year.

Why is this important? Because other airlines have various technologies and/or services that make them more appealing (for example JetBlue has television).  This could give Southwest Airlines a competitive advantage. 

Reference article at:http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/22/business/22bizbriefs-SOUTHWESTAIR_BRF.html?scp=3&sq=southwest&st=Search

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